Commission on ministry
The Commission on Ministry (COM) serves as pastor and counselor to Teaching Elders; facilitates relationships between congregations, Teaching Elders, and Presbytery; mediates difficulties on behalf of Presbytery; and serves as an Administrative Commission of Presbytery for the purpose of: (1) ordaining and installing Teaching Elders and Commissioned Ruling Elders to particular pastoral service, (2) approving terms of calls and contracts; and, (3) examining and receiving Teaching Elders by transfer from other presbyteries for the purpose of accepting valid calls to ministry in Mission Presbytery.
Meeting Dates/Locations
February 3 - Tentatively at Cross Roads @ 10 a.m.
April 7 - Zoom @ 6 p.m.
June 2 - Tentatively at Cross Roads @ 10 a.m.
August 4 - Zoom @ 6 p.m
October 6 - Tentatively at Cross Roads @ 10 a.m.
December 1 - Zoom @ 6 p.m
Ordination, Installation, Commissioning
Annual Report
COM Handbook
Handbook for COM - October 2020
Attachment C-2 Assessment and Appraisal of Pastoral Calls
Attachment C-3 Associate Pastor or Temporary Pastor Becoming Installed
Attachment C-4 Ending Ministry Well
Attachment C-5 Confidentiality Agreement
Attachment C-6 Transitional Ministry Process Flowchart